LPG has long been known and appreciated for its cleaner emissions and variety of uses as a flexible source of off grid energy; hence more and more people are now beginning to install new gas tanks for home heating and cooking, in preference to using oil and Bio-Mass.
Not only is this a less expensive and more straightforward option to other fuels, it now has the added benefit of being perfectly placed to take advantage of using our new renewable and sustainable Bio-Propane blend without having make any changes or modifications whatsoever.
When the new Bio-Propane blend becomes available in the not too distant future, BDS will be introducing it for all of our customers at no extra cost. This means that you can become more sustainable in your energy use without having to spend a single penny.
BDS Fuels has teamed up with C3biotech.com, which is a spin out Company from the University of Manchester. They have developed cutting edge technologies in bacterial fermentation which are now producing Bio-Propane at sustainable levels.
Truly a World first in producing genuinely Biological Propane.
As the available volumes of Bio-Propane increase over the next few months and years, we are intending to supply the whole of our distribution network with completely renewable Propane and we are ready now.
Would you like to be part of it and come on that journey with us ?
C3 Biotechnologies
are a Great British achievement and are pioneering the best of cutting edge science to ensure that eco fuels become the way forward in a sustainable future for this beautiful planet which will enable us to treasure our World and all do our bit, no matter how small, to make the environment a more sustainable place to live.
We have now become eco-ready. Would you like to come and join us :-)